My Los Angeles Heroes

My Los Angeles Heroes

Los Angeles is rich with famous people of integrity   In times of community turmoil, it is good to remember the good we have in our lives and build our hope and aspirations for a better future on that. The legends I am referring to start with John Wooden. Yes, my USC buddies might want to knock […]

Network Partner Donates Fabric to Make Medical Gowns

Network Partner Donates Fabric to Make Medical Gowns

Ragfinders of California, a Downtown Los Angeles wholesale fabric store, has donated fabric to Project PPE to help medical professionals who are in need of medical gowns. See the Spectrum News 1 story HERE. Jacqueline Westman, along with her friend Brittany Walker, started Project PPE, a group of innovative design fields all coming together to […]

Major Properties Network Getting it Done!

Major Properties Network Getting it Done!

A Chatsworth toy company announced plans to help provide hospitals and health care workers with supplies needed to protect themselves during efforts to fight the worsening coronavirus outbreak.   MGA Entertainment, the company behind the popular “L.O.L. Surprise!” dolls, launched the “Operation: PAC-MAN” initiative. It includes the donation of $100,000 to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, […]

COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends, Due to COVID-19, last Friday Major Properties made the decision to work remotely from home. This past week we have closed some escrows and also lost a few. Many clients have pressed the pause button, and buyers and sellers have agreed to wait out the current situation. I have been getting many calls about […]

It’s the End of the World, so Enjoy the Show!

Should everyone be scared and get out of stocks, sell all real estate and prepare for the biggest correction since 1991? Before you go and do something stupid, consider the facts. Since the election of Donald Trump, we have seen some of the most dramatic changes to national policy in many, many years: Deregulation, a […]

Opinion: Rich or Poor

Opinion: Rich or Poor

I subscribe to James Altucher’s monthly newsletter. I get more than my money’s worth as he also sends me multiple e-mails a week with various promotions with clever concepts and other ideas. This month he discussed who will be rich and who will be poor. I agree with his analysis and have more thoughts that […]

Key Factors for the Near Future of CRE

According the Urban Land Institute and update from, here here some key factors affecting CRE going forward and into 2019: 1. Office and multifamily amenities on steroids: New office buildings and multifamily assets are going well beyond the fitness center and recreational areas to include child and pet care, bike storage and even a “curated garden” […]

Martin Beck of Major Properties Has Closed a Multi-Family Deal for $4,250,000

Martin Beck has been specializing in multi-family real estate for the past five years (out of the ten that he’s been with Major Properties). As most of us are aware, Los Angeles housing is incredibly limited these days. Finding a multi-family property for sale is very competitive, especially one in a good location and priced […]